Business Principlesdoitlladmin doitlladmin2015-10-23T10:19:16+00:00
Business Principles
- HDL synergies GmbH pursues with its solutions the mission to deliver meaningful tools for a sustainable world. Therefore fair play with our customers, partners and our employees is one of our core values. Under “Fair Play” HDL synergies defines a partnership based on honesty, openness and trust.
- HDL synergies accepts no morally questionable, inhuman or degrading activities (e.g. military projects, projects for companies that do not explicitly distance themselves from child labor and racism).
- Customer satisfaction is achieved through competent and up to date knowledge as well as modern, optimally adapted processes. HDL synergies strives for long-term, trust-based cooperation with its customers.
- Every employee contributes through his performance to the reputation and confidence that customers have placed in HDL synergies. The good reputation and the trust must be ensured every day by power-conscious behavior.
- The trustful cooperation among all employees as part of a flexible, friendly and fair management concept is, a central basis for achieving the common objectives at HDL synergies.
- For HDL synergies high standards apply regarding professional knowledge, communication and teamwork skills.
- HDL synergies believes in a constant evolutionary process, therefore we are open for change! We think outside the box and look for solutions outside the known limits.
- HDL synergies should be more than just work. We actively promote the cohesion and team spirit. We want to create an atmosphere in which criticism can always be expressed and suggestions for further development and innovation are encouraged.
- Every employee is part of HDL synergies and contributes to its success. Every employee is aware of its individual responsibility and cost-conscious trading, as well as the belief that profits are needed to keep and promote the company.
- As for every human lifetime is limited, HDL synergies sees time as a valuable asset. Therefore HDL synergies is committed with a personal and family-friendly working environment.
- HDL Synergies GmbH respects the value of its employees and does not tolerate any form of discrimination and requires the same from them.